Top 50+New day quotes


New day quotes

1. Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?

2. Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.

3. Today is a new day. It’s a day you have never seen before and will never see again. Stop telling yourself the ‘same crap, different day’ lie! How many days has that lie stolen from you? Seize the wonder and uniqueness of today! Recognize that throughout this beautiful day, you have an incredible amount of opportunities to move your life into the direction you want it to go.

4. This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility.

5. The next morning dawned bright and sweet, like ribbon candy.

6. All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.

7. A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy.

8. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

9. It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life for me
And I’m feeling good

10. Participate in your dreams today. There are unlimited opportunities available with this new day. Take action on those wonderful dreams you’ve had in your mind for so long. Remember, success is something you experience when you act accordingly.

11. Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing moment of birth. And more than anything it can spur you to action. Have a burning day.

12. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.

13. Wake! For the Sun, who scatter’d into flight
The Stars before him from the Field of Night,
Drives Night along with them from Heav’n,
and strikes
The Sultan’s Turret with a Shaft of Light

14. Each day is a miracle that intoxicates me. I want more. I greet every morning like a new pleasure. And yet I am keenly aware of all life’s artifices. Getting dressed, wearing make-up, laughing, having fun-isn’t all that just playing a role? Am I not more profound, carrying the burden of those twenty years when I ‘wasn’t alive’, than all those who rushed around in vain during that time?

15. He believed in himself, believed in his quixotic ambition, letting the failures of the previous day disappear as each new day dawned. Yesterday was not today. The past did not predict the future if he could learn from his mistakes.

16. There is no tomorrow and there was no yesterday; if you truly want to accomplish your goals you must engulf yourself in today.

17. Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new a day with no mistakes in it

18. New day, new hopes, new life!!

19. Never mind those failures till yesterday. Each new day is a sequel of a wonderful life; gifted with hopes to succeed.

20. Daily dance uplift the soul to spiritual realms.

21. With a bound, the sun of a molten fiery red cam above the horizon, and immediately thousands of little birds sang out for joy, and a soft chorus of mysterious, glad murmurs came forth from the earth; the low whispering wind left its hiding-place among the clefts and hollows of the hills, and wandered among the rustling herbs and trees, waking the flower-buds to the life of another day.

22. Love is being able to view a situation without adding duality to it.

23. I dalje verujem da Sunce izlazi svakoga dana i da svako novo Sunce najavljuje novi dan;dan koji je juče bio budućnost. I dalje verujem da će današnji dan, u trenutku zatvaranja jedne stranice vremena, obećati sutra – ranije nepredvidivo, kasnije neponovljivo

24. Every new day is an opportunity to grow your love.

25. Each day is always breaking out anew
Aspirations swirling round what you do

26. I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.

27. Accept the past as the past and realize that each new day you are a new person who doesn’t need to carry old baggage into the new day with you. It’s amazing how many people ruin the beauty of today with the sorrows of yesterday. Yesterday doesn’t exist anymore! For example, if ever I feel foolish or guilty about something I’ve done, I learn from it and attempt to do better the next time. Shame or guilt serves no one. Such feelings actually keep us down, often lowering the vibrations of those around us, as well. Living in the present moment is the recurring baptism of the soul, forever purifying every new day with a new you.

28. Embrace every new day with gratitude, hope and love.

29. With this morning’s sunrise comes a day of things that have never been.

30. Each sunrise brings a new day filled with new hopes for a new beginning.

31. Good morning, stunner.
You’re just getting started.
Your age doesn’t matter.
The sun is up, the day is new,
You’re just getting started.

32. Every new day is a sacred gift with new sacred grace.

33. Let your past be a reason for growth and greatness not blame and shame. Today is a new day!

34. The newness of this day is divine.

35. No matter how gloomy the morning, it is a new day where anything is possible.

36. Every day we can learn something new.

37. So find your own combination of things to learn and see and be passionate about. Learn from everyone but be your own guidance, and you will find a red-hot feeling in your chest each night, eager for the possibilities of a new day. No one knows your heart as well as you do.

38. Something she’d done since the first – she kept him from yielding to the dark lure of the water until he could see for himself the hope found in the dawn of each new day.

39. Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.

40. Whoever has the courage to walk in the dark, share experience the dawn of light in a new day.

41. Each new day is an invitation to an adventure of your own making.

42. She’s a doorbell ringer, not a knocker. Things are awkward and I haven’t even greeted her yet.

43. I never backed down from a challenge before, and I don’t intend to start today.

44. No one replaces anyone else. No one substitutes for another person. Every person is unique. Every relationship is unique. Every relationship’s purpose is unique. Life is fluid; it moves. It doesn’t die; it reforms. Each day is new. We can only try and do our best for today. It’s enough, don’t you think? No more is asked. But also no less.

45. Every day we reconstruct ourselves out of the salvage of our yesterdays.

46. Treat everyday as a new hunt.

47. I love the night. It’s not unusual for me to see the light of a new day
before closing my eyes on the old one.

48. New day, new month, new visions

49. Don’t limit yourself based only on what you see in front of you today. You have the potential to turn it around.

50. Hold on,” Marjan said, reaching behind a tin of pistachio nougats. She found the bottle, unscrewing the cap as her back was turned to her sisters. She upended it, letting the rosewater, the priceless tears of that queen of blossoms, pool in her cupped hand.
She turned back to Bahar and smiled. “Better late than never,” she said, showering her sister with a brand-new day.

51. The block of sky in our twin high windows became a nectarine, amber and rose pink, and we lay in silence as white sunlight broke.

52. Every day you’re fortunate enough to wake up is the first day of a brand new life.

53. Every new morning gives fresh hope, for great is the mercy of the new day

54. I love that we get a new day… A new opportunity to move our lives in a positive direction… Let’s be unencumbered by yesterday’s nonsense… a fresh start… Take a deep breath, smile, and start again.

55. Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

56. Every morning, look in the mirror and affirm positive words into your life.

57. Hit the reset button. Whatever happened yesterday, forget about it. Get a new perspective. Today is a new day. Fresh start, begins now.

58. Where God guides, He provides. No matter how things look, God is still in control. Stay in peace and be hopeful. Your blessing is coming soon.

59. The enemy fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. Know that your best days are ahead and no weapon formed will prosper.

60. Don’t let the enemy try to keep you bound with fear. The devil is a liar. Stay in faith and trust the process. Be still, God has a plan!


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