Top 45+ Motivational Quotes For Success With Sayings Pictures

Motivational Quotes For Success

Basically, a word Success is described by pushing all of our efforts in a positive way to achieve something.

Success is a thing that isn’t measured very easily and also it is a very hard question to answer what is Success in reality. People cannot describe this even they get their success in life but still looking for success further and didn’t satisfy themselves with their abilities.

Although Success is achieved by facing so many failures in life and the failures are always pushing our efforts down to achieve success and overtaking all the failures leads you towards success. To achieve success we have to develop a discipline in our life routine. Success is not a thing to satisfy other it is the achievement of your dreams

Motivational Quotes are playing the main role in fighting with these failures which come in way of Success. These quotations motivate us to fight with failure or ignore the failure and utilize all of the abilities to achieve success.

Although Success is the achievement of dreams. Success is not defined by the satisfaction of others it is achieved by the satisfaction of your own soul and internal behavior. Here is some quotation that helps in leading your dreams to achieve success.

Motivational Quotes For Success:


1.”Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.”

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2.” Follow one course until success.

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3.” Prove yourself to yourself not others”

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4.” Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build this.”

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5.” Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.”

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6.” Count your blessings not your problems”

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7.” My only competitor is the person i was yesterday.”

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8.” Success is not built on’s built on’s built on frustration.sometimes it’s built on catastrophe.”

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9. ” Everything comes to you at the right time. be patient and trust in the process”

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10. ” Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.”

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11. ” if you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.”

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12. ” The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.”

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13. ” Remember… no matter how much it hurt right now, one day you’ll look back & realize it made you stronger.”

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14. ” Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limit.”

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15. ” You have to be odd to be number one.”

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16. ” When you focus on the good, the good gets better.”

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17. ” Don’t expect to see a change, if you don’t make one

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18. ” Sometimes the bestway to appreciate something is to be without it for a while.”

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19. ” Don’t tell people your plans. show them your result.”

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20. ” Stop Doubting yourself, work hard, and make it happen.”

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21. ” Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.”

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22. ” The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.”

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23. ” Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.”

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24. ” Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situations. Successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.

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25. ” Sometimes thing take time. Be patient, stay positive and watch it unfold.”

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26. ” The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

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27. ” Do not give up; The beginning is always the hardest.”

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28. ” Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. it comes from what you do consistently.”

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29. ” Succes occurs when opportunity meets preparation.”

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30. ” Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.”

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31. ” Successful people keep moving. they make mistakes,but they don’t quit.”

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32. ” What’s done is done, What’s gone is gone. One of life’s lessons is always moving on.”

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33. ” Focus on what you care about. Everything else is a distraction.”

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34. ” Don’t burn your opportunities for temporary comfort.”

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35. ” Be strong. Move on. it’s time for you to be happy again.”

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36. ” No matter how much you have traveled in the wrong direction you can always turn around.”

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37. ” Don’t worry about how thing is going to work out, just believe that they will.”

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38. ” I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.”

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39. ” Challenge yourself it’s the only path which leads to growth.”

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40. ” I changed my thinking, it changed my life.”

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41. ” Before you ask why someone hates you, ask yourself why you care.”

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42. ” Don’t compare your chapter 1 with someone else’s chapter 20.”

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43. ” Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness.”

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44. ” Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn’t give you credit.”

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45. ” Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.”

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