Top 50+ Swimming Pool Quotes


Swimming Pool Quotes

1. This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.

2. Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool.

3. Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be fish.

4. I only really and truly fully relax on my own. Give me a sun lounger, a pool and a sea view, and I’m happy

5. Somehow I kept my head above water. I relied on the discipline, character, and strength that I had started to develop as that little girl in her first swimming pool

6. Movies are my religion and God is my patron. I’m lucky enough to be in the position where I don’t make movies to pay for my pool. When I make a movie, I want it to be everything to me; like I would die for it

7. The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises

8. The problem with the gene pool is that there’s no lifeguard

9. I could float in the pool for hours, just letting the water carry me

10. Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish

11. Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean

12. Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope

13. I am an unpopular electric eel in a pool of catfish

14. We all have a personal pool of quicksand inside us where we begin to sink and need friends and family to find us and remind us of all the good that has been and will be

15. Diversity and inclusion of women and underrepresented minorities in science should not affect the way education is handled or research is carried out. So diversity should not be a problem but rather an opportunity to involve a large talent pool

16. I’m a proud New Zealander, and I represent Paralympics New Zealand. I love what I do, and I do it because I love it. The passion is unbelievable in every race I do. I have the ambition to change things outside the pool, too

17. If I could get any animal it would be a dolphin. I want one so bad. Me and my mom went swimming with dolphins and I was like, ‘How do we get one of those?’ and she was like, ‘You can’t get a dolphin. What are you gonna do, like, put it in your pool?

18. I have a low tolerance for people who complain about things but never do anything to change them. This led me to conclude that the single largest pool of untapped natural resources in this world is human good intentions that are never translated into actions

19. Sydney has the world’s best swimming pool. Walk through the Botanical Gardens and you come to the Andrew ‘Boy’ Charlton Pool on Mrs Macquaries Road, with incredible views of Finger Wharf and the Harbour

20. Writing used to be my hobby, but now that it’s my job, I have no hobby – except watching TV and laying around the pool reading ‘U.S. Weekly.’ I have tried many hobbies, such as knitting, Pilates, ballet, yoga, and guitar, but none of them have taken

21. At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it

22. I love to play games. Anything that is competitive. I love to play darts, shoot pool, any video game or board game, anything like that I am all about. For me is more about spending time with somebody, hanging out and enjoying yourself

23. Seagulls are a landfill nuisance because they fly away with food scraps and, as is their reputation, fight each other over them midflight, often losing them, and soon a lady has a half-eaten hamburger splashing into her backyard pool

24. The E.U. has moved to combat global terrorism by instituting common European arrest and evidence warrants and creating a joint situation center to pool and analyze intelligence

25. No matter how much you think you love somebody, you’ll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close

26. I watch football sometimes at home, but in my downtime, I play pool with my friends. Darts – I enjoy darts now, and when there is a game not coming up, I enjoy playing golf as well. I’m not very good at golf, but I enjoy being able to relax

27. When I was growing up in Ossining, N.Y., playing pool with the guys, the thought that any one of us might become an actor was as far-fetched as being knighted by the queen of England

28. Somebody said to me, ‘But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.’ That’s a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, ‘Now, let’s write a swimming pool

29. Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals.

30. It’s not called quitting if you quit while you ahead. It’s about being aware and being strategic enough to know that you got to get out the pool at some point. You got to put your clothes back on and dry off

31. The reason we have the stars twinkle at night is because the light is being kind of blurred by the atmosphere around the Earth. That is why the Hubble Space Telescope is so good, because it is above the atmosphere. So it is kind of like looking at the sun from the bottom of a swimming pool, versus looking at the sun above the swimming pool

32. Just do some kind of workout. Doesn’t matter if it’s going for a walk around the block, going for a jog, doing some calisthenics, lifting weights, going to a pool and swimming – you name it. But do something that gets your blood flowing and gets your mind in the game

33. In a high-IQ job pool, soft skills like discipline, drive and empathy mark those who emerge as outstanding

34. It’s not like I wake up and think, ‘Oh God, I have to go to the gym.’ It’s just pretty much a given. I do cardio, light weights, and a good stretch, and I always try to get to the pool for at least a 15-minute swim

35. My favourite pool is located in a remote valley in the eastern Lake District, surrounded by vine-hung cliffs and slippery boulders. It has a torrential sheet waterfall at one end and is almost black in colour, so it appears bottomless, a portal to nowhere

36. The difference between great actors and the rest of us isn’t simply that they know how to make more out of less, but that, like lions at the watering hole, they will always take more than their share from the pool of available resources – extra air from the room, added knowledge from our faces

37. For me, I’ve learned if I want a very stable, normal relationship, where I’ll be like, ‘Okay, this is nice, I know what’s going to happen in a month,’ it’s probably better to date outside the industry. But you can’t help who you fall for. It’s our dating pool

38. Wherever I am in the world, my perfect day begins with waking up and heading to the beach or the pool or somewhere I can be semi-comatose. I just wake up and go to the sun

39. How frail the human heart must be – a mirrored pool of thought

40. The pond-lily is a star and easily takes the first place among lilies; and the expeditions to her haunts, and the gathering her where she rocks upon the dark, secluded waters of some pool or lakelet, are the crown and summit of the floral expeditions of summer

41. I have to go… drop some kids in the pool

42. Ray Bradbury has a vacation house in Palm Springs, California, in the desert at the base of the Santa Rosa mountains. It’s a Rat Pack-era affair, with a chrome-and-turquoise kitchen and a small swimming pool in back

43. I like chillin’ by the pool

44. You know, I know a lot of lifeguards. Both my parents were lifeguards at a lake in El Paso, Texas. I was a lifeguard in a swimming pool in Portland, Ore. And I have known and met and befriended a number of oceangoing lifeguards in California where I live

45. Sure, I’ve felt racism. I think everybody has prejudice. When I was growing up, the dark Mexican kids weren’t allowed in the public swimming pool in Dallas. My light-skinned friend got in, and he laughed at us. It didn’t seem like a big deal, because we didn’t know any different. So I never ran into anything that actually scarred me

46. Walk, skateboard, bike, car pool, or use mass transit more, and drive less

47. No phone. No pool. No pets. No cigarettes. Ultimate freedom… No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become Lost in the Wild

48. These days, right now, these are the good old days. I’ve always approached it that way. That’s why I’m still working. I’m not the guy who is ready to sit by the pool

49. I have always wanted a swimming pool and never had one

50. Summer at the Hollis household is all about us getting together and enjoying the pool, and Fourth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays to do just that

51. I grew up watching ‘Superman.’ As a child, when I first learned to dive into a swimming pool, I wasn’t diving, I was flying, like Superman. I used to dream of rescuing a girl I had a crush on from a playground bully

52. I hate the idea of anyone thinking that I don’t put a lot of thought about the cost to taxpayers. I make our ministers travel to events in vans to pool together

53. Even in high school, I’d tell my mom I was sick of swimming and wanted to try to play golf. She wasn’t too happy. She’d say, ‘Think about this.’ And I’d always end up getting back in the pool

54. In the end, arguing about affirmative action in selective colleges is like arguing about the size of a spigot while ignoring the pool and the pipeline that feed it. Slots at Duke and Princeton and Cal are finite

55. For me, the desire exists less to get myself a degree than to just go and have the whole college experience, and throw myself into the brain pool and see if I can swim

56. We have a huge tech following that do nothing but Digg tech stories, and then there’s another pool of users that remove the tech section from their view of Digg, because you can go on and customize your own experience and remove sections you don’t like

57. I used to run the band hockey pool – regular season and playoffs. I would write weekly reports, which were meant to demoralize and diffuse enjoyment for others

58. The best way to build the best workforce is to focus on the largest talent pool you have

59. Skills-building opportunities should be extended to people outside of the mainstream talent pool. That might include at-risk youth, veterans returning to the workforce, or immigrants struggling to make a life for themselves in a foreign culture. The process for creating wealth must begin with creating opportunity for all

60. After being signed by WWE, Edge, Christian, Mark Henry, Giant Silva, Test and Ken Shamrock all trained at my house. I had a pool room with an indoor pool and a garden behind it. I took out the garden and put in a wrestling ring


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