Top 50+Mother Angelica Quotes


Mother Angelica Quotes

1. Is detachment the answer to freedom? No, because detachment is negative – it is to be without. The answer must be positive – I must replace what I have with something better.
2. Jesus told us to learn from him how to be meek and humble of heart. We must look at his life if we are to have any concept of what humility is all about.
3. Every time I say ‘no’ to a small temptation, I strengthen my will to say ‘no’ to a greater one.
4. Humility is preserved when I give credit where credit is due – to God.
5. I do not ask for the riches that perish or the fame that fades away like a morning mist.
6. When I try to be patient on my own, my patience is forced and short-lived. It is obvious to everyone that I am desperately trying to be patient.
7. Death at times seems like a dark tunnel to be traveled, and the future seems bleak.
8. Men climb mountains, scale heights, venture into the unexplored to prove to other men it can be done.
9.  My life is such a contradiction. My soul yearns for holiness and then runs from the mortification necessary to attain it.
10.  Religious life is an encounter with the living God. Sometimes that encounter is preceded by a kind of soul-searching agony that tries desperately not to hear, runs in the opposite direction, and frantically tries to reason itself out of answering the invitation.
11.  We are so accustomed to love on a human level that we find loving God for Himself either impossible or beyond our capabilities. We tend to love those who appeal to us, render us a service, or are good to us. In the degree they perform these various services, we love them.
12. Every Christian who strives for holiness of life experiences dryness of soul. It is to most people a heart-rending experience. It is a paradox, for the soul becomes confused when it realizes the harder it strives the further away Jesus seems to be.
13. Each one of us sees Jesus in a different way. To some, He was prophet, for they needed to know the kingdom was at hand. But most of all, He was the son of God, and He came to experience the consequences of the curse the Father had put upon mankind when Adam and Eve disobeyed.
14.  We must look at the personality of Jesus and see him under various circumstances – circumstances not unlike our own – and then praise him by imitating him to the best of our ability.
15.  It is good to have an intellectual awareness of our dependence upon God – to understand how great He is and how very small we are in His sight.
16.  Jesus made Himself available to everyone. Unlike former prophets and the religious men of His day, who often kept themselves aloof, Jesus was easy to approach and always ready to give his help.
17.  Jesus was loyal to his apostles, with full knowledge of their cowardice. He was loyal to the poor, accepting the criticism of the Pharisees, so the destitute would never feel deserted. He was loyal to his father, accomplishing his will even unto death.
18. A family spirit is not always synonymous with family life. Bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh makes for brothers, sisters and relatives, who may be as distant as strangers in a foreign land.
19. We live in an age that stresses personal goals, careers, happiness, work and religion. The emphasis is on the individual and how best that individual can satisfy himself.
20.  Married life has become to many a necessary burden, but a burden that is shed very easily.
21. God knows Himself and every created thing perfectly. Not a blade of grass or the tiniest insect escapes His eye.
22. Neighbors are competitors instead of partners, suspicious instead of trustful, indifferent instead of helpful, cold instead of loving, greedy instead of generous. We no longer consider ourselves living in neighborhoods, but only as living next to ‘hoods.’
23.  Obedience is a strong virtue, capable of making me master of my emotions by giving me more strength to conquer my pride as I submit to those above me out of respect for their God-given authority and those below me out of love.
24. God’s word is always effective and produces whatever it expresses. My words, on the contrary, cannot create anything; I can only change what already is into something else.
25. No creature, not even the most exalted angel, can understand God or have perfect knowledge of Him.
26.  I must not permit the evil capabilities of human nature to sour my faith in the tremendous good that is possible despite the frailty of that nature.
27. Even if my fellow man has proven faithless time after time, I can at least retain a hope that he will improve, pray for him, and think kindly without frustration and disappointment.
28. My failures may be my greatest successes. It is in failure that I have often drawn closer to God, learn to depend more on Him than myself, gained self-knowledge, and seen things in their right perspective.
29. From the time of Adam and Eve, man has tried to escape suffering in any form.
30. The sinner who suddenly realizes God’s love for him and then looks at his rejection of that love feels a loss similar to the death of a loved one. A deep void is created in the soul and a loneliness akin to the agony of death.
31. St. Paul did not want the sufferings encountered by being a Christian to discourage or dishearten anyone. He realized that when the Christian saw the blessings and grace that poured upon him after his trials, he would gain courage to suffer in his turn.
32. To see a friend who has suffered the loss of all things begin again with trust and love, gives us strength to continue on.
33. Healing and miracles have been a mystery to men of all times. To some, the phenomenon is frightening, while others find it exhilarating.
34.  God has always worked wonders through his prophets to increase the faith of His chosen people or to correct their disobedience.
35.  The Christian experiences and lives a paradox. He possesses joy in sorrow, fulfillment in exile, light in darkness, peace in turmoil, consolation in dryness, contentment in pain and hope in desolation.
36.  When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars.
37.  No matter what Jesus did, someone found fault with it.
38.  Each one of us has a particular virtue and faults that make the process of becoming like Jesus different.
39.  God is a spirit and converses with us in a quiet atmosphere because our minds are not capable of listening to his voice when they are filled with noise and confusion.
40. People live, work, walk, play, shop, study, and eat with other people. There are few desert dwellers who live alone without depending in some way on people.
41.  Every individual we meet is different than we are. Members of the same family differ one from the other. Friend differs from friend, husband from wife, sister from brother, nation from nation. All these differences make ‘feeling’ love difficult and isolated to specific individuals according to our tastes and their personalities.
42. When man invents or produces anything of any value, volumes are written on the subject.
43. When our neighbor’s personality possesses harsh qualities, we show our love by not voluntarily provoking those qualities in any way. Past experience shows us what upsets a person, so in their presence we are careful not to do or say those things that cause anger. We are self-effacing.
44.  Jesus did not always like the Apostles’ way of acting, but by adapting himself to their temperament, praying for them to his father, giving them a holy example of conduct, he loved them, and that love changed them.
45.  Holiness of life is not the privilege of a chosen few – it is the obligation, the call, and the will of God for every Christian.
46.  Saints are ordinary people who love Jesus, try to be like him, are faithful to the duties of their state in life, sacrifice themselves for their neighbor, and keep their hearts and minds free of this world.
47. Saints are ordinary people who do what they do for the love of Jesus, say what they must say without fear, love their neighbor even when they are cursed by him, and live without regret over yesterday or fear of tomorrow.
48. Jesus was happy when people acknowledged his dignity and saddened when they did not, but he never sought their esteem or regard.
49. For thirty years, Jesus never allowed his divinity to manifest itself. He was infinitely superior to everyone but never showed it.
50. Men are not born saints with special gifts and privileges. They fight against the world, the flesh and the devil, and as they conquer, the spirit of Jesus begins to shine through with more clarity.
51. Jesus showed me what it means to be holy – he did his father’s will no matter how difficult it was to accomplish.
52. There are many who are not guilty of doing anything wrong but very guilty of sins of omission – the things they neglect to do – the good things – the kind, thoughtful words, compassionate thoughts and hopeful attitudes they might have had towards their neighbor.
53. Today’s man of the world proclaims that sin, and his enterprising in sin, are a part of modern living, but it is not modern. It goes back to Adam and Eve – to desire and the temptation to know – to experience evil.
54. We often forget that everything we see, animate or inanimate, is a visual manifestation of the work of our invisible God. We have become so accustomed to trees, mountains, sky, air, water, flowers, animals, vegetables and people that we no longer see them for what they are – God’s work.
55. We resemble computers intellectually and animals emotionally.
56.  Man can and does rationalize his sins. He finds reasons for all his weakness, invents excuses that first calm and then deaden his conscience. He blames God, society, education, and environment for his wrong doing.
57.  God’s grace is at its best in weakness, so we need never fear our weakness. In fact, these weaknesses will determine in what way we shall glorify God for all eternity.
58. Salvation brings the soul a deep awareness of God’s love. Life takes on more meaning, for it now has a purpose.
59. To a pagan, there is no purpose to suffering. As a result, he lives a life of loneliness and frustration.
60. When anyone arouses my anger, I will immediately pray for them and regain my peace of soul.


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